Nya e-resurser
IBFD Tax Research Platform har utökats med ebokspaketet GREIT series.
Vi har haft en prenumeration på databasen Global Financial Data. Prenumerationen löpte ut den 31 oktober.
Pågående tester
Bloomsbury Popular Music, 31 maj - 30 november
A source of scholarship and serious in-depth analysis of popular music in a global context. It includes the entirety of the Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, and more.
Bloomsbury Collections, 31 maj - 30 november
Delivers online access to scholarly books from Bloomsbury’s Academic division. Spanning the humanities and social sciences, the site features the latest research publications from Bloomsbury, T&T Clark, The Arden Shakespeare and Hart Publishing, alongside scholarship from historic imprints Continuum, Berg and Bristol Classical Press. New frontlist collections are added each year.
Bloomsbury Design Library, 31 maj - 30 november
The Bloomsbury Design Library gives comprehensive global coverage of the history, theory and practice of crafts and design, from prehistoric times to the present day.
Drama Online, 31 maj - 30 november
Introduces new writers alongside the most iconic names in playwriting history, providing contextual and critical background through scholarly works and practical guides.
Bloomsbury Fashion Central, 31 maj - 30 november
Består utav:
• Berg Fashion Library: The authority on world dress
• Fairchild Books Library: Everything you need for a career in fashion.
• Fashion Photography Archive: Research and be inspired by hundreds of thousands of digitized images.
Screen Studies, 31 maj - 30 november
A dynamic digital platform taking users from script to screen and beyond – offering a broad range of content from Bloomsbury and Faber & Faber to support moving image studies.
Investment Arbitration Reporter (IAR), 21 augusti - 15 november
Investment Arbitration Reporter is a news & analysis service tracking international arbitrations between foreign investors and sovereign governments.
LearnTechLib, 5 september - 3 december
An online resource for aggregated, peer-reviewed research on the latest developments and applications in Learning and Technology by the world's leading publications and authors. Developed and supported for and by researchers, librarians, and educators.
South Asia Archive (NIAS), 18 september - 31 december
South Asia Archive is interdisciplinary and provides cultural and historical material from across the Indian sub-continent, covering the period mid-18th to mid-20th century. The material was collected by the South Asia Research Foundation (SARF) over a number of years with the objective of preserving Indian cultural heritage. Materials include journal series, rare books, reports, many forms of document e g government acts, catalogues, census’, legal documents, maps etc, Indian film booklets from 1933-1953, and 946 documents in vernacular languages.
Political Extremism and Radicalism in the Twentieth Century, 30 oktober - 30 november
This archive offers a diverse range of content, including campaign materials, propaganda, government records and various ephemera that allow researchers to explore extremism and radicalism in new and innovative ways.
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