Nya e-resurser
HT-biblioteken har startat en prenumeration på Jflix: Jflix.net is a website dedicated to award-winning films on various topics dealing with Judaism and Israel. From Jewish history through biographies of leaders, along with films about Israeli society and culture. These films discuss questions such as Jewish identity and coping courageously with moral dilemmas.
L'Année philologique
HT-biblioteken har startat en prenumeration på L'Année philologique: L'Année philologique is an index of publications related to Classical Studies - history, language, literature and civilization of ancient Greece and Rome. The printed bibliography has been published since 1924, the online version contains references to material published since 1949. Many of the books and articles indexed in L'Année Philologique are in languages other than English. There are no abstracts given for books, but the database indicates where reviews of books have been published. The database often gives brief abstracts of journal articles, but an abstract may be in French, German, English, Spanish or Italian. The abstract is not necessarily in the same language as the original reference. Please note that there is a two or three year delay before references are indexed in the online version of L'Année Philologique.
Medicinska fakulteten har startat en prenumeration på ett tidskriftspaket innehållande:
- Journal of Endocrinology
- Endocrine-Related Cancer
- European Journal of Endocrinology
- Journal of Molecular Endocrinology
- Reproduction
Användarstyrt förvärv under 2019
Från med 1 januari har vi en EBS hos Bloomsbury/Hart och MyCollection hos Springer.
Inför 2019 har följande resurser sagts upp.
- IEL Environmental Law
- IEL Intellectual Property (IEL IP Online)
- Current Protocols in Essential Laboratory Technics; fortsatt tillgång till de år vi prenumererat.
- Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science; fortsatt tillgång till de år vi prenumererat.
- International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest Online; fortsatt tillgång till de år vi prenumererat.
- Palgrave journals: American Journal of Cultural Sociology
- Informit AGIS Plus Text
- Maritime Law Handbook
- Oxford Reports on International Law (ORIL), modulen International Investment Claims
- Sage Video (Communication and Media Studies)
- American Film Institute Catalog
- Brepolis Latin Complete, deldatabas: Archive of celtic-latin literature / Monumenta germaniae historica
- Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology
- Counseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts (2 vol)
- Enhanced Electronic Grammars (EEG); fortsatt tillgång men blir ej uppdaterad fr.o.m. 2019.
- International Medieval Bibliography Online (IMB)
- Oxford Bibliographies Online Anthropology (OBO)
- Oxford Bibliographies Online Buddhism (OBO)
- Oxford Bibliographies Online Hindu Studies (OBO)
- Oxford Bibliographies Online Islamic Studies (OBO)
- China Core Newspaper Full Text Database (CCND); fortsatt tillgång via NIAS.
- CEPR Discussion Papers
- Market Analysis Tools: Trade Map (ITC)
- Handbook of Numerical Analysis
Pågående tester
OpenEdition: IGPDE - Institut de la gestion publique et du développement économique, 26 november - 26 februari
OpenEdition brings together four platforms dedicated to electronic resources and academic information in the humanities and social sciences. This trial includes only IGPDE.
Visual History Archive (VHA), 8 januari - 6 februari
Click on "Continue as a guest" to access the database. USC Shoah Foundation's Visual History Archive allows users to search through and view more than 54,000 video testimonies of survivors and witnesses of genocide.
Session Laws/State Statutes, 16 januari - 1 februari
The database includes the D.C. Register and the Session Laws of the U.S. Federal Government, and features the entire back file of the Acts of Parliament of Canada and Acts of Parliament of Australia.
East India Company, 16 januari - 17 februari
East India Company offers access to a unique collection of India Office Records from the British Library, London. Containing royal charters, correspondence, trading diaries, minutes of council meetings and reports of expeditions, among other document types, this resource charts the history of British trade and rule in the Indian subcontinent and beyond from 1599 to 1947.
Bestånd från ePublications
En ny version av Excel-filen med vårt bestånd från ePublications finns nu tillgänglig här: http://eresources.lub.lu.se/files/login/epublications/content-epublications.xlsx