Webbläsaren som du använder stöds inte av denna webbplats. Alla versioner av Internet Explorer stöds inte längre, av oss eller Microsoft (läs mer här: * https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/windows/end-of-ie-support).

Var god och använd en modern webbläsare för att ta del av denna webbplats, som t.ex. nyaste versioner av Edge, Chrome, Firefox eller Safari osv.

Nyhetsbrev (oktober) - E-media och vetenskaplig kommunikation

COUNTER Code of Practice 5.1. 

Vid årsskiftet kommer standarden COUNTER Code of Practice i en ny version. Det som förändras är bland annat att nya datatyper tillkommer, att förlagen förväntas mäta nedladdning av e-böcker på ett annat sätt än tidigare och att en ny rapporttyp för att mäta öppet tillgängligt material tillkommer.

Mer information: COUNTER Code of Practice 5.1.

Lästips: Time to Rethink Usage Analytics

Lästips - Is AI the Answer to Peer Review Problems, or the Problem Itself?

Kommer AI ta över granskningsprocessen? Debatten om AI och Peer Review diskuteras flitigt, ett inlägg i debatten kan man läsa på The Scholarly Kitchen.

Mer information: Is AI the Answer to Peer Review Problems, or the Problem Itself? 

Lyssningstips - poddar om öppen vetenskap

Du har väl inte missat att det finns poddar om öppen vetenskap?

Open Science Talk
Universitet i Tromsø har poddat aktivt sedan 2018 och det senaste avsnittet publicerades i somras. De har lyft flera intressanta frågor som t.ex. rights retention och diamond open access. 
Mer information: https://septentrio.uit.no/index.php/OSTalk/index

OpenAIRE podcast on Open Science
Organisationen OpenAIRE poddar om öppen vetenskap i stort, men djupdyker också i de olika tjänster och aktiviteter de erbjuder bibliotek och andra aktörer inom öppen vetenskap. Passa på att lära dig mer om OpenAIRE!
Mer information: https://www.openaire.eu/podcasts

Sista chansen: Call for posters LU Open Science Days 2024

Årets LU Open Science Days anordnas 19-20 november på Palaestra. Temat för konferensen är Crossing Boundaries with Open Science och all LU-personal är välkomna att skicka in bidrag till posterutställningen 19 november. Deadline för att skicka in abstract är 5 november. 

Call for posters

Are you using Open Science to cross boundaries in your research or initiatives? Have you collaborated across disciplines, connected academia with society, or navigated Open Science in a rapidly changing geopolitical landscape?  

The program committee of the LU Open Science Days 2024 invites LU-affiliated researchers, PhD students, and research support staff to present their projects on November 19, 2024. With this year’s theme, “Crossing Boundaries with Open Science,” we are seeking contributions that illustrate how Open Science bridges these boundaries, fosters collaboration, and creates real-world impact. 

We welcome submissions on topics including, but not limited to: 

  • Cross-disciplinary research and collaboration across fields. 
  • Science activism, citizen science, and partnerships with society. 
  • Geopolitical challenges addressed through Open Science. 
  • Global collaborations between LU and external institutions. 
  • Creative communication using Open Science practices. 

Mer information: Call for Posters and Talks: LU Open Science Days 2024 – Crossing Boundaries with Open Science

Program och anmälan: Open Science Notice Board

Nya e-resurser 

IOP ebooks Collection 2024 + AAS Astronomy 2024 Collection 

N-fak har köpt e-bokskollektionerna IOP ebooks Collection 2024 och AAS Astronomy 2024 Collection. 

Complete Anatomy

Med-fak har startat en prenumeration på Complete Atonomy. Complete Anatomy is a digital resource that covers human anatomy and physiology through interactive 3D models, animations, quizzes, and more. The resource is available online and as an app for computers, tablets and smart phones. Complete Anatomy is also available offline and off campus once you have registered an account using your student account/Lucat id and downloaded the app.

Länk till resursen i databaslistan: Complete Anatomy

EBA Taylor & Francis 

EBA Taylor & Francis har förlängts från september 2024 till september 2025. 

Comprehensive English-Yiddish dictionary + Yiddish-English dictionary 

HT har startat prenumeration på Comprehensive English-Yiddish dictionary och Yiddish-English dictionary

Comprehensive English-Yiddish dictionary

Containing nearly 50,000 entries and 33,000 subentries, the Comprehensive English-Yiddish Dictionary emphasizes Yiddish as a living language that is spoken in many places around the world. This dictionary will serve all who are interested in the Yiddish language: professors, researchers, students, writers and actors, as well as those who simply want to speak Yiddish on a regular basis.

Länk till resursen: Comprehensive English-Yiddish dictionary

Yiddish-English dictionary

In 2002, Yiddish lexicography took a step forward with the publication of the Dictionnaire yiddish-français by Yitskhok Niborski and Bernard Vaisbro. Now we are proud to announce that an English version of this dictionary is now available from Indiana University Press.

Länk till resursen: Yiddish-English dictionary

Royal Society of Chemistry ebokspaket 

Royal Society of Chemistry ebokspaket har köpts in för 2025, 2026 och 2027.


Chinese Dictionary Compendium 11 september - 31 december

With more than 120 volumes and databases, the Chinese Dictionary Compendium houses the largest collection of high-quality dictionaries and reference works in modern and traditional Chinese. The wealth of resources and accessibility offered by the Compendium make it an ideal companion for study and scholarly work in Chinese Studies. It also serves as an invaluable reference for Chinese language learners and enthusiasts of Chinese literature and history.

Scopus AI 30 september - 30 oktober

Scopus AI is an AI-driven tool designed to navigate the rich academic landscape within the Scopus platform.
Rooted in Scopus data, Scopus AI is designed to help you explore and understand new topics more efficiently and offer succinct academic overviews and insights. To further enhance this capability, Scopus AI now integrates Copilot, an intelligent query layer that interprets and optimizes your queries. Copilot combines semantic and keyword-matching searches, ensuring high-quality results without sacrificing specificity. It helps handle different languages, correct spelling errors, and break down complex queries.