Med anledning av kriget i Ukraina
Med anledning av kriget i Ukraina har UB skapat en sida med länkar till material i LUBsearch och på forskningsportalen kopplat till det säkerhetspolitiska läget i Europa.
Länk till: Med anledning av kriget i Ukraina
Nytt från projektet Öppen vetenskap
Projektet har fått en ny styrgrupp, uppdaterad projektplan och en ny medarbetare i projektgruppen, Jon Eriksen. Under våren fortsätter samtal och kontakter med forskare och forskargrupper. Hör gärna av dig, om du känner till någon forskare som är intresserad eller engagerad i öppen vetenskap.
Projektbloggen hålls ständigt uppdaterad med nyheter och inlägg kring öppen vetenskap. Vid frågor gällande projektet går det bra att höra av sig till karolina [dot] lindh [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se (Karolina Lindh) på Avdelningen för Vetenskaplig kommunikation.
Action Plan for Diamond Open Access
Science Europe har i dagarna publicerat en Action Plan for Diamond Open Access. Initiativet bygger på den OA Diamond Journals Study som Science Europe publicerade förra året.
Mer information: Action Plan for Diamond Open Access
Mer information: OA Diamond Journals Study
Open Science at Lund University
Den senaste månaden har två nya intervjuer publicerats på bloggen Open Science at Lund University.
Digital archaeology and infrastructures for sharing – an interview with Nicolò Dell’Unto
Nicolò Dell’Unto is an associate professor and senior lecture in archaeology. His research focus on developing digital methodologies for archaeological analysis. He is part of a team that is maintaining and developing the Lund University Digital Archaeological Laboratory (DARK Lab) which is a research infrastructure that develops visualization strategies for analysis of archaeological data.
Länk till intervju: Digital archaeology and infrastructures for sharing – an interview with Nicolò Dell’Unt
Open science skills for competing for funding from Horizon Europe
In the European Commission’s latest framework programme for research and innovation, Horizon Europe 2021-2027, applicants are required to account for how open science practices are to be implemented in their project and how these benefit the project’s overall aim. Open science practices are exemplified as open access publishing, pre-print publishing, registered reports, sharing of data, software, code or algorisms, engaging citizens and other stakeholder. It can also encompass other ways of enhance accessibility, transparency and reproducibility in research. In this blog entry, I have been talking to Anneli Wiklander and Teresia Rindefjäll, research funder advisors at Research Services to learn more about the implications of these new requirements.
Länk till intervju: Open science skills for competing for funding from Horizon Europe
Nya e-resurser
Juridiska fakultetens bibliotek har startat en prenumeration på IEL Constitutional law.
Länk till resurs: IEL Constitutional law
- Referenshanteringsprogrammet RefWorks har sagts upp. Avtalet löper ut den 31 maj.
- Naturvetenskapliga fakultetens bibliotek och LTH har sagt upp ICIS: Independent Chemical & Energy Market Intelligence.
Pågående tester
U.S. Declassified Documents Online 16 februari - 16 mars
U.S. Declassified Documents Online provides immediate access to a broad range of previously classified federal records spanning the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The collection brings together the most sensitive documents from all the presidential libraries and numerous executive agencies in a single, easily searchable database.
Declassified Documents Online: Twentieth-Century British Intelligence, An Intelligence Empire 16 februari - 16 mars
Britain began the twentieth century controlling vast regions of the world. The spheres of influence of the British government stretched from the UK and Ireland to mandates, protectorates and colonies in the Middle East and Africa, from the islands of the West Indies to British Malaya and Singapore in South East Asia, as well as to the sub-continent of India, and the self-governing Dominions of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
Oxford Research Encyclopedias Linguistics 18 februari - 31 mars
With today’s overabundance of information, and misinformation, students and researchers alike can be overwhelmed in identifying what’s trustworthy, what’s up-to-date, and what’s accurate. Oxford University Press has invested in the Oxford Research Encyclopedias to meet this challenge. Working with international communities of scholars across all fields of study, we are developing new comprehensive collections of in-depth, peer-reviewed summaries on an ever-growing range of topics.
CAS Analytical Methods 28 februari - 26 mars
CAS Analytical Methods makes it simple to locate, compare, and understand analytical methods from top journals and patents.
The Literary Encyclopedia 3 mars - 16 april
The Literary Encyclopedia is a constantly evolving and updating repository of authoritative reference work about literary and cultural history. All our articles are solicited by invitation from specialist scholars in higher education institutions all over the world, refereed and approved by subject editors in our Editorial Board. The LE is thus uniquely selective, reliable and authoritative. Its online format allows for rapid publication and frequent updating of articles; its integrated digital resources (author life-chronologies, customisable timelines, thematic or course-oriented bookshelves, related article clusters, critical bibliographies) respond dynamically to teaching and learning demands.
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